
Waterproof Smartphones Have Arrived!

Most anyone who has owned a cell phone has had that unfortunate situation of...water damage. Especially in the summer months! Picture this...you are at a friends house, on your cell phone looking at your Facebook page and decide to go into the pool. EXCEPT, OOPS!! You left the phone in your pocket, or too close to the pool and it is ruined!! And to purchase another, similar smartphone is quite expensive. In fact, my experience happened during a rain storm...my phone fell out of my bag, right into a huge puddle and there went my smartphone.

Both Samsung and Sony have come out with two different, sleek looking phones. The review on these phones are below. The very popular Samsung Galaxy has a great option with the S4 Active and, if you are an Android lover, you will be sure to enjoy this phone. Those who are Apple lovers, well, you must continue to wait for a waterproof answer!
